Lakeview Trail Jul 09

Near Mormon Lake in Flagstaff
IMG 0036   MORMON LAKE - LAKEVIEW TRAIL This is an iPhone shot; others as noted IMG 0037   Phonecam IMG 0038   Phonecam IMG 0041   Phonecam
IMG 0042   Phonecam: The dried-out portion of the lake forms a huge meadow IMG 0044   Phonecam: A campground swing IMG 0045   Phonecam IMG 0046   Phonecam
IMG 0047   Phonecam P7160657 P7160658 P7160659
P7160660   We follow the road to a campground... P7160661 the trailhead. This sign shows the entire Arizona Trail P7160663   Youth camp students are ahead of us P7160664
P7160665 P7160666 P7160667 P7160668   We start to climb
P7160669 P7160670 P7160671   First wtaer break P7160672
P7160673 P7160674 P7160675 P7160676   Snack break
P7160677 P7160678 P7160679 P7160682
P7160683 P7160685 P7160686 P7160687
P7160689 P7160690 P7160691   We break out on top P7160692   Great views all around
P7160694 P7160695   A shrunken Mormon Lake P7160697 P7160698
P7160699 P7160700 P7160701 P7160703
P7160704 P7160705 P7160706 P7160707
P7160708 P7160709 P7160710 P7160711
P7160712 P7160713 IMG 0050   Phonecam: Lunch at Mormon Lake Lodge IMG 0051   Phonecam
IMG 0052   Phonecam IMG 0054   Phonecam IMG 0056   Phonecam IMG 0057   Phonecam
IMG 0060   Phonecam IMG 0061   Phonecam IMG 0062   Phonecam IMG 0063   Phonecam
IMG 0065   Phonecam IMG 0049   Phonecam